Posted: 1 May 2020

Children’s University aims to engage children from the age of 5 up to 14, providing them with opportunities to get involved in exciting, interactive and voluntary learning activities in and outside of normal school hours.
The Science Fair itself delivered over 60 activities, each with a unique science focus for children of all ages to get involved with. The UCNL students created their own experiments as part of their graded assessment, which involved them teaching others how to accomplish their task which included walking on eggs, making slime, heart dissections, skittles rainbows, exploding volcanoes, elephant toothpaste, lemon batteries and parachute making.
Zak Barton (10) said, “I’ve really enjoyed the Science Fair and it is really fun experimenting on different things. I have learnt that you can make fake snow without using chemicals; I also learnt that if you put a see through straw in oil, you can’t see it. I definitely want to come back again.”
Higher Education student, Josh Blake (FdA Children’s, Learning and Development (Learning Support) said, “It has gone down really well with the children, they have had a lot of varied activities to get involved with. I feel this event has given me a good insight into teaching different ages and abilities. I’ve loved it, it’s been really good fun.”
If you would like further information about North & North East Children’s University or studying at the UCNL, contact the team via